

Learn to Use the Computer
Without Sweating

1 Computer <
2 Keyboard <
3 Screen <
4 Mouse <
5 Internet <
6 Email <
7 Windows 8 <
8 Pictures <
9 MS Word
10 Craigslist <
11 Function Keys <
12 Shortcut keys <
13 Advanced <
an L K A project


1 Making a web page < 2 Security < 3 Hacking <


Using the computer, some places you will go everyday, some only occasionally and some only once. It's kind of a game, or puzzle. How do I get to where I want to go and how do I do what I want to do, when I get there?
Can you answer
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What you're going to learn View the source code < Right-click < Programs/files/settings < Text editor < Hover Taskbar Icon v name Start menu Desktop Gadgets Thumbnails Window/panes Recycle bin Jump list Double-click title bar to maximize Right-click taskbar, choose show windows side-by-side F1 = Help Windows 7 help web site Trouble shooter Menus Right-click, new Address bar Search box Double-click Where do you save Printer software Toolbar Program to open file
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File extension associates program Shortcuts Drag favicon to desktop Folders Links, address, search Tools, popup blockers Page save-as at toolbar Windows Live(mail) Home page User name Display name To button Options/spell check Favorites bar Favorites list History Tools/internet options Control panel Right-click desktop for modifications Set as background Download v install

Right-click Right-clicking is clicking the right mouse button. Done while hovering over an element in the page or various areas in the screen, including the blank area of the desktop. See: Definition
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Programs/files/settings Programs, files and settings are the basic platforms to perform all the functions available from the computer. Programs perform the functions necessary to work the operations the users make, such as text editing and video playing. An example of a program to perform text editing is Microsoft Word. YouTube plays videos. Facebook is a social network. See: What is an Application?
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