Saturday, April 11, 2009
"My Family doesn't know I do this."
The following is rated "R" for Really?
Would you like me to dance for you?", she asks. "I'm broke, I have enough
for a beer and 3 sets." "Then we can chat." They're looking at the ad.
Sparrow puts her arm up to cover her face when "Exotic Magazine" takes
her picture at the stripper tattoo contest. "They bug me for a picture, too."
CJ, the beautiful stripper next to Bill confesses: "My Family doesn't know
I do this." Bill feels like he's participating in a conspiracy. "Are you leaving?,
hope to see you Wednesday maybe." CJ's eyes follow Bill to the door at
Soobie's on 122nd in South-East Portland.
Dad or Mom, Dad or Mom? Bill is caught in the middle. Will he support his
Mom and shun his Dad? Will he not shun his Dad and incur his Mom's
displeasure, unhappiness and scorn, as a traitor to Mother and God?
CJ sits beside Bill and chats at the bar in Soobies. "It's better than Stars, isn't
it?", she asks Bill. Bill tells her about his occasional visits to the club in
Beaverton, where CJ worked, until 6 days ago. At Soobies CJ gets to touch
Bill with her hands and other things, behind the curtain in the dark room.
"Too many rules at Stars. How far away, what kind of shoes to wear, what to
do, what not to do.", she complains. "See, they know you here, already.",
Britiny, the bartender brings Bill the PBR and picks up the 2 bills for the beer
and the one for herself. "She...", CJ looks out at the girl performing on the
stage, Shelby, "She tried out at Stars, when I was there one day and told me
about this place. I really like it. It's not commercial or political and it's smaller
and more comfortable." I woke up the other day thinking about you.", Bill confesses.
"I don't know, if I can move.", Bill says. "Then I did my job.", CJ says. She
brushes her nipple across Bill's right cheek and rubs her tits on Bill's legs. She
runs her fingers through his hair. "I won't mess it up." She lets her skirt fall to
the floor. She takes off her shirt and undershirt. Her panties fall to her boots and
onto the floor. Her boots stay on. She turns and sits her butt in Bill's open crotch
and moves slowly in a circle. This is a private dance at Soobies from CJ.
"Okay, I'm ready.", Bill walks to CJ's stool at the other end of the bar. He's checked
his balance on the phone and used the ATM. "Talia did that the other day,
only not so close." She's teasing you, I deliver." "Is that the girl you like at
Stars? I mean Dancin' Bare?"
"Have you changed your mind about that dance?, she pleads from the stage,
naked in front of Bill.
to be continued...
Forget Mishen I have Aubrie. She let me suck her toes and lick her feet.
She'd never done it before. "When you said 'When can I get your
shoes off...'" Just Aubrie and Bill. From the bar he spots her on the
stage. Aubrie: "Come get me anytime." "What do I do?" "Just take off
your top and give me your feet." That'll be another twenty.
The old guy wraps his arm around her, she's standing next to him.
He runs his fingers up and down her waist. The fan suspended from the
ceiling spins and rocks. She sees the customer sit at the stage, she
goes to him. The bartender's tough don't piss her off.
Alex said she'd let me take her to a movie. "I'm going to be right back,
so don't go." Mystic is fertile ground. He lays a 5 between her legs.
Aubrie goes through the door with a guy dressed and purse over her
shoulder. Bill is determined to spend all his money. Let's see what's
behind that bra. Just another pair of tits. The guys of Portland come
into Mystic.
She scatters her clothes on the stage floor. Aubrie's making lots
of money. It's gang watching here at Mystic. "I'm naked."
Trinity County.
A thousand in a night. "Hi are you staring at me?" The bounser
surveys the scene. Alex pulls her panties aside. It's pleasure house.
"You owe me dinner." Mystic is open 'till eight. Night at Mystic.
Alex runs around in a circle her nipple on Bill's lips.
The old man with a beard walked in and was carded. Lots of girls.
He planned to drink a beer and maybe watch a girl. He was checking
the new place out. He was unwanted in another. "I take them off in a
dance.", says Sydney to the old man. The Costa Rica girl walks by Bill
at the bar and sees he's interested. She gets very close rubbing her body
against him. She wraps her arm around him and he does the same.
They get cheek to cheek. Soon they are walking together to the cumfy
chair past the curtains.
Bill sits with his legs apart. The girl sits in his lap. They wait for the next
song. Bill hands her a twenty. "You could have gven that to me after."
She takes off her shoes then every thing else. She knees Bill's crotch,
he grows between his legs suddenly. She rubs his dick with her foot and
uses her hand to feel and hold it. "OH!" She moves in and closes her tits
around Bill's cheeks. Mystic. The going donation is a dollar a dance.
Beer 2 dollars. Bill can handle that.
Ava humiliates Bill. She doesn't like the first explicate story. Her girls
will not be subjected to trash, they are quote Ladies. "What you do in your
personal life is your business but you are not going to bring them in here."
Thanks for the drinks and the dance.", Ava tells
Bill. "I've called a cab." "I hope you'll go home in a cab tonight
and not a bus." Ava does her 3 and walks down the aisle
between the tables and the bar and the stools. She passes Bill
and sits on the stool next to him.
"Did you know I was dancing tonight?" Bill feigns ignorance
and confesses. Bill plies Ava for information about her
homeless work. Ava says: "I'll be right back." Bill is served
his hot dog. Ava is back. "I'm up, eat your hot dog." Bill
eats his hot dog and joins Ava at the stage.
Bill goes to his stool and Ava joins him. Serena joins them.
"They pull bananas out of their vagina in Thailand." Ava's
up again and the 3 go to the stage. Ava dances and strips.
Bill hands Serena bills to flip at Ava. "Let's have a private
dance, I'll sit on your lap." Bill says yes, Ava is
pleasantly surprised.
"Are you comfortable?", Bill asks Serena. They watch beautiful
Ava. The dance is over, Bill hands Ava 2 twenties and
picks up his beer from the floor. What a night at Hawthorne
Strip. Bill and Ava and Serena.
"You have to budget better for me.", Ava informs Bill from
behind the bar looking at him honestly. Bill cannot budget.
0fcourse he wishes it wasn't a necessity. He will be
saving for her cowboy boots. Who else does he have to
buy things for.
Bill turns on the right burner and fries 2 eggs. He pops
2 pieces of bread into the toaster. He prepares dinner.
Bill salt and peppers his eggs and sits in front of the TV.
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