She got AWAY

 Hi Kim.  I'm moving to Las Vegas.  I think the day at the
 Kingdom Hall with Holly was the turning point.  They made a
 big fuss over her unloading as much dogma and tools they
 could in the short time. Holly will never be anyone but Holly.
 I have made no real lasting strides here in Portland.  It's  
 been fun, sure.  Been to half the strip clubs. I know virtually
 no one at Hamilton West.  I've had 2 poor doctors at one
 county clinic over the 7 years.  Got to move on I guess.  I'll
 find an acupuncturist in Vegas.  They have $50 hookers
 begging for Johns on the strip.  If I need to, Salvation Army
 will put me up, provided I take my meds, they offered before. 
 I can visit a Kingdom Hall now and then.  No more Senior
 Centers, I'll starve first.  I have virtually no contact with my
 beloved Family.  My truck was taken from me when I got here
 and my dignity.

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........................................................................ Aubrie email me: btlsp2013@gmail.com